Top 5 Eco-Friendly Gardening Tips

Posted by Matthew Pankhurst on

Summer is right around the corner! That means now is the perfect time to start getting your garden in order. There are many ways you can think green when working in your garden, so here are our top 5 eco-friendly gardening tips. Enjoy!

Go Organic 

Going organic means stepping away from the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Many people think that to make their plants grow they have to use chemicals and pesticides, but in fact these can harm the quality of your soil by impacting its cellular function and killing important microorganisms within. The best way to help your plants grow properly is using natural fertilizers such as manure, researching the proper spacing for your plants, and buying disease resistant seeds.

Collect Rain 

This one is especially easy. Simply put a large barrel in your yard and wait for it to rain. Not only does this provide plants with fresh, oxygen rich water, it also saves you money! 


As it turns out, we throw out massive amounts of organic matter each year. This organic matter is packed with nutrients that can greatly contribute to the health of the soil and plants. Setting up a composting bin in your garden is a great way to provide an organic boost to your plants. Composting bins provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to plants and can even help fight against weeds and plant disease. 

Bring the Birds In 

Anyone who’s ever tended a garden has engaged in the everlasting war with plant-eating insects. Fortunately, you can bring in some heavy cavalry to help control those pests. Birds love snacking on the insects that attack your plants. Setting up bird feeders and birdhouses is a great way to introduce natural pest control to help win the war against those nasty insects. 

Use Specialty Seeds

To get the best garden, use the best seeds. Heirloom, heritage, and organic seeds are the main types you should be using. Heirloom and heritage seeds are designed to preserve the strong genetic qualities of native plant species and can offer very high quality seeds of their own once the season is over. Organic seeds are exactly what they sound like, untampered with and organically sourced!

Ultimately, nature responds well to things that are natural. Going organic, collecting rain, composting, inviting birds in, and using high quality seeds are fantastic eco-friendly ways to get the most out of your garden.

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